Why do I feel bad about not going out at night?
Why don’t I feel bad about not going out during the day?
Why does English say at night? Or at night time?
Why does English say during the day? Or at day time.
You don’t say at day. You say at night.
What is this quip say about how English thinks about day vs night?
I just ate dank Asian food and listened to Deadmau5 and am about to watch Black Mirror on Netflix. Btw did you know Joel Zimmerman, aka Deadmau5 is married and has been since 2017 to his long time girlfriend? For some reason I forgot, because I had to of known, because I knew who his groomsmen were. Or did I know? Memory is so fleeting. Idk what I know and idk what I don’t. Who knows! Not I. Goodnight.