


83 Kicks 70 Kick Enhancers
70 Claps 65 Clap Enhancers
51 Closed Hats 59 Open Hats
56 Percussion 40 Rims
37 FX 69 Snare Enhancers
21 Yeezus Walks 20 Toms

OVER 700 SOUNDS IN 24-Bit / 44.1 WAV

The Sonic Specialists have done it again! The wait is finally over and we are proud to present Urban Fire 7 — the newest in the critically acclaimed premium drum kit library for hip-hop, r&b, pop and electronic music (EDM) producers.  These high-fidelity drum samples have been created under the most scrutinizing conditions, where no expense was spared.  Having being run through vintage and analog equipment over the course of the last two years, each and every one-shot has been meticulously hand-crafted, quality controlled, and polished before being given the thumbs up to be released.  Tried and tested by the music industry’s top music producers and sound engineers, the professionally mixed & mastered sounds of the Urban Fire franchise have graced the Billboard charts all across the world.  Discover what the professionals are talking about;  Discover Urban Fire 7. Don’t settle for less.