— 2017.02.22.1100.THU

[expand title=”Wednesday 14″]

[expand title=”Thursday 15″]
FaceTime Audio FAILs w/ Valerie Ayala Otero

[expand title=”Friday 16″]
Christine’s Wedding
Christine Coley Chapman
Mitchell Chapman
Donovan Coley Jr
Donovan Coley Sr
Grace Dandie Coley
Suzanne Coley Howard
Valerie Ayala Otero
Suzanne Coley Howard
David Coley

[expand title=”Saturday 17″]
The Black Panther
Donovan Coley Jr
Valerie Ayala-Otero

[expand title=”Sunday 18″]
Pathway Community Church
Started editing Christine’s Wedding Photos
Abigail Fuller
Valerie Ayala-Otero
Erica? David & Suzanne’s Friend
Christine Coley-Chapman
Callen Coley-Chapman
Mitchell Chapman

[expand title=”Monday 19″]
Started (silent launch) 24hr YouTube Stream

[expand title=”Tuesday 20″]
Catalogued 100+ Books

[expand title=”Wednesday 21″]
Scanned 100+ Images
Sources for large files:
Finder, Recents, Sort by Date Modified

3 thoughts on “Week 7

  1. admin says:

    You explain what you think it might be it be

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